Today I'll talk about things a little more personal than my recipes. Like many women I have a somewhat complicated relationship with my balance. Just say the word diet and I'm already in frustration, and every year it's the same thing a little let go in the winter and when spring comes I try to motivate me to lose 2 to 3 kilos taken during recent months.
In a few years I tried I do not know how plans. I think I passed the door of all the nutritionists on the west Bordeaux region, I tested the Weight Watchers meetings and the version on my phone, I opted for the Dr. Dukan method and I even worked for him for over a year to create revenue for his program. There was also Jean-Michel Cohen programs, Valerie Orsini and Erwann Menthéour, I was disgusted bag of cures protein and I left too much in my pharmacy capsules of all kinds and slimming creams and my beautician with whom I still told myself last year that to save all year on a package in a gym to invest for a cure lipomassage was the best solution.
Brief 15 years all these diets made me lose a bit but especially each time again from above and take 6 kilos (well there's been my little guy is also something to do!). And now my motivation is to lose them and not find them these kilos. So yes it's on, I do not have 30 kilos to lose, I am in a "normal" BMI but in the highest area, and to be good in my head and in my clothes I need them leave those kilos.
Easier said than done I admit, especially when you like to eat but also cook and the head has a super important role on my catch weight, gender stress & frustration that do not mix and that lead me to snack or eat more than I need it during meals.
Last spring, after yet again Weight Watchers, I opted for another method. Rather than cutting and counting the calories ingested, I wanted to put myself in sport to increase my expenses. At 34 for the first time in my life I did real sport (as pilates and water aerobics is still nothing next!). Whoever school annoyed me to no end, which made me have the lowest scores of the class and made me skip school for phony excuses: I started to run.
Last July I run 10 km, I was proud of myself and I managed to overtake me and my muscles a little. Even I did not need to plan my outings p'tites compensated exceedingly delicacies see, I was fine. Winter has arrived, I ran less and less because of all the possible excuses: it's cold, it's raining, it's dark, I'm afraid on the bike path alone at nightfall. I contented myself with a gym class with the girls on Tuesday night, which has more the gift of making me good morale that my muscles and help me in my fight against these cursed kilos as once a week this n is not enough for me.
Because I like it. It's crazy anyway as can change growing up ... I need to move a little more, to clear my head at the same time, to surpass myself and it's much less frustrating than eating a slice of ham, three leaves of salad and a yogurt 0% for dessert. Anyway this hyper restrictive diet not work on me! My body likes to store the slightest deviation after too restrictive diet, and then it's unbearable for my family because I am obnoxious, bad mood and I do cooking as much fat dishes with lots of cheese history not want to plunge my fork.
In short, sport is this for me the best of plans. So to move a little more this winter I tried the fitness videos on youtube (Sisi & Georgia) at home and the method of Sonia TLEV, TBC. I own motivation level must be strong. Between darling who makes fun of me from the couch eating ice cream or my son takes my dumbbells to get muscles, and my dog who think that if I am lying on a floor mat that is coming to him cuddle, I quickly became disillusioned.
And the idea to turn to a gym tickled me to give me a little more motivation. I had for 10 years been subscribed to Aqualigne, I was following before the birth of little guy 2-3 aqua week and I loved it, as well as pilates and step class. I am part few months after his birth, when I wanted to take my subscription after missing the anniversary a few days, moaned a bit about the lack of understanding and eventually make me deal with "debit more or less "... in short I chose to be one less!
And anyway with a full time job, a little guy and a darling, a blog and friends I wondered where I was going to be able to squeeze a few gym sessions per week. But I left the constraints and false excuses aside, those that prevent forward and I signed up after a practice session at Yo Sport in Bruges. It's been already one month and a half that I go and I am delighted. Okay I admit it's not easy to fit in the agenda. But my son is very happy one night a week I go to retrieve the last to daycare 1 minute from closing and does not the worse (as it dries the last 5 minutes of the course, if it goes not !!), see I took him with me to the room after downloading them from school, washed, put in pajamas, prepared dinner and her dad to come get it in the room to take over for I can do my step class. The advantage is that 4 years end up in pajamas with his blanket to the gym, it does not ask her worries!
So yes it's true it's (still) one more thing in my busy life. But really what does it feels good! And I'm not a bad mother or a bad wife or worse assistants if I can slip into my week 2 or 3 sessions of sport. Alternating with group classes and machines (the treadmill set to 6 km, it's great to treat his emails and shop on the drive at the same time !!) I think I'll get there gradually .
And then I have some lil bonus that help me stay motivated. As in my little life everything must be under control, I am unable to play sports without my Fitbit shows that records all my efforts, my weight, my activity, my heart rate. It's stupid but it's like that, it allows me to monitor my activity and motivates me. One day I even turned around because it was still on my desk ... The other little bonus is a carrot at the end of the scheme: the pair of shoes of my dreams is not a good motivation? Ahaha trivialities when you hold us :-)
Last week I also tested the personalized coaching in Sport Yo, there's no denying it's top. A teacher to myself, there's no 50 solutions you can not pretend and hide in the back of the room ... I admit I drooled, I also had a little feel null not to memorize the sequences but 450 calories in one hour's worth all the efforts of the world! Even two days to have sore arms and abs along !! Anyway, I'm sure this is one more option not to be overlooked :-)
But precisely with all these sports side efforts to do so as there faster, I also do a little more attention on the supply side. So do not be surprised if you find more and more often mild but delicious recipes in my little kitchen. I hope this part of the blog will make you happy.
Voila, I told you of my way of managing my weight problems, if you have tips, things that work or you just want us to exchange on this fascinating topic feel free to chat with me of it in comments. Anyway tomorrow I promise you a delicious light recipe. But if you are looking for recipes today I made you what you enjoy in light recipes in the blog home page, on the pavement revenue parading picture.
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